MedSafety Scan® (MSS) is a clinical decision support tool
developed to inform medication prescribing by:

ICU Patients: The clinically validated Tisdale Risk Score estimates risk
Outpatients/Non-ICU Patients:
MedSafety Scan's Custom Score based on a combination of elements from four scores, some currently under validation

Crucial QT risk assessment with personalized decision
support for safer prescribing

Clinical Decision Support
- Safer and more informed prescribing
- Recognize QT prolonging drugs
- Comprehensive Risk Factor Analysis
- Detect and quantify risk of QT prolongation
- Detect potentially harmful Drug-Drug Interactions
- Receive patient-specific management options

Personalized QT Risk Scoring
- Personalized scoring for QT risk assessment
- QT prolonging drugs
- Drugs known to cause torsades de pointes (TdP)
- Validated QT clinical risk factors
- Drug-drug interactions that increase QT risk
- Detect Major Drug-Drug Interactions likely to harm
- Personalized Patient Management Advisories
- Correct electrolytes
- Obtain ECG to monitor QT
- Consider safer alternative drug(s)
- FDA contraindicated drugs
- FDA label recommendation to monitor ECG
MSS was developed by Raymond L. Woosley, MD, PhD. Dr. Woosley is the founding President and Medical Director for AZCERT, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improved outcomes from the use of medications. Prior to leading AZCERT, he was founder and President of Critical Path Institute (C-Path). C-Path is an independent, nonprofit organization created by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the University of Arizona to help launch the critical path initiative. Previously, he has served as Vice-President for Health Sciences and Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona. He is currently Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Informatics in the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, Arizona.
MSS is supported and maintained by a team of biomedical scientists with training in clinical pharmacology, medical toxicology, epidemiology and clinical pharmacy. The QTdrugs list is curated by AZCERT with the support and advice of an international Scientific Advisory Board of experts in clinical cardiology, clinical and basic electrophysiology, toxicology, regulatory medicine and clinical pharmacology.